NT Labs



NT Labs offers a comprehensive product range catering to the diverse needs of aquarium enthusiasts. Their lineup includes a variety of treatments and medications designed to address common fish ailments, such as bacterial infections, parasites, and fungal diseases. NT Labs also provides water testing kits for accurate and reliable assessment of water parameters, ensuring optimal water quality. Additionally, they offer products for fish nutrition, including premium fish food formulated to meet the nutritional needs of different species. With a strong commitment to fish health and water quality, NT Labs equips aquarists with the tools necessary to create and maintain a thriving and vibrant aquatic environment.

We are Lush Eco Trading Sdn Bhd, establish since 2016 as distributor of Aquatic products.

We are committed to the success of our retailers and we distributes quality brands like Microbe-Lift®, Mountain Tree® and Eco Aquas®. Our success is built upon solid customer relationships and we are committed to nurturing these roots to grow and sustain healthy partnerships and build on the wonderful hobbies our products are used in. We believe that hobbyist enjoys better fish keeping by using the right products. We are a wholesale supplier to retailers and we not sell directly to the consumer.

Featured Products

  • Microbelift

    PL 32OZ

    Keeps Ponds Clean & Clear!

    Specially Formulated for Decorative Fish Ponds, Lagoons & Smaller Water Features

    • Creates a cleaner environment for your pond, promoting faster fish growth
    • Reduces ammonia nitrogen levels
    • Dissolves away organic sludge
    • Seeds and maintains biological filters
    • Significantly reduces noxious odors caused by dead algae, fish fecal matter, and urine
    • Reduces hydrogen sulfide, which creates strong, offensive odors
    • Reduces biological oxygen demand (B.O.D.)
    • Reduces buildup of bird droppings, fish feed and dead leaves
    • Breaks down dead algae
    • Improves dissolved oxygen levels
    • Contains photosynthetic bacteria which reduces cloudy water by promoting flocculation and settling of organic and inorganic particles
    • Effective over a wide range of pH conditions

    Continued biological activity even in water temperatures under 55°F. (12°C.) PL

    Available Sizes

    • 32 oz. (10PLQ) Treats 500 gal. pond for 11 months or 1,000 gal. pond for 8 months.
    • Gallon (10PLG4) Treats 5,000 gal. pond for 21 months.
    RM199,00 Buy now
  • Microbelift


    Specially Formulated to Promote Pond Fish Health

    Provides a natural pond eco-system, resulting in better overall fish health and improved water quality for use with all ornamental, coldwater, temperate, cyprinids, native and wild species.
    It is easier to prevent disease than cure it, and good water quality is a keystone for disease control.

    • Biologically supports the fish’s immune system
    • Reduces environmental stress
    • Promotes rapid fish growth
    • Beneficial when overpopulation exists
    • Compatible with all pond fish, wildlife and the other MICROBE-LIFT products
    • Safe for all animals in and around the pond
    • Nontoxic and nonpathogenic
    • MICROBE-LIFT/TheraP a natural bacteria; it is NOT a genetically engineered or altered bacteria

    Available Sizes

    • 32 oz. (THERAPQ) Treats 500 gallon pond for 11 months
    • 1 gallon (THERAPG4) Treats 5,000 gallon pond for 21 months
    RM199,00 Buy now
  • Microbelift


    Specially Formulated For Rapid Ammonia & Nitrite Reduction

    MICROBE-LIFT/Nite-Out II is designed specifically for pond waters that contain marine life. Its highly-specialized microbial consortium of nitrifying cultures are specially formulated to eliminate ammonia via a natural biological process termed nitrification.  The cultures contained in MICROBE-LIFT/Nite-Out II will establish, promote or stabilize and maintain nitrification in pond waters, eliminating the toxic effect of ammonia.

    MICROBE-LIFT/Nite-Out II liquid nitrifying bacteria contains select strains of Nitrosomonas, Nitrospira and Nitrobacter.  Nitrosomonas convert ammonia to nitrite and Nitrobacter and Nitrospira convert nitrite to nitrate.

    MICROBE-LIFT/Nite-Out II comprises select microorganisms that are autotrophic-able to use carbon dioxide as the sole source of carbon-and are relatively slow growing, requiring specific conditions for optimum growth with typical cell division rates from 8 to 16 hours. Their performance and rate of growth are impacted by the environmental parameters required for nitrification.

    They are also highly oxygen-sensitive, requiring high dissolved oxygen levels (greater than 2 mg/L) to achieve maximum growth rates. Nitrite is produced by beneficial bacteria in the pond and the oxidation of harmful waste ammonia excreted by fish. Even though nitrite is not as toxic as ammonia, it is still very damaging to the health of fish.

    • Initiates nitrification
    • Promotes stable nitrification
    • Provides stable cold weather nitrification
    • Safe for use around plants and animals

    Available Sizes

    • 16 oz. (NITE16) Treats a 500 gal. pond for 14 months.
    • 32 oz. (NITE32) Treats a 2,500 gal. pond for 5 months.
    • 1 gallon (NITEGAL) Treats a 5,000 gal. pond for 11 months.
    RM199,00 Buy now
  • Microbelift

    GEL 32OZ

    Filter Pad Bacterial Inoculant

    MICROBE-LIFT/PL Gel is a technological breakthrough because it’s the first product that puts the bacteria right where you want it and it stays there! MICROBE-LIFT/PL Gel will quickly attach to and populate any filter media including foam, strapping, floss, bio-balls, spring flo, ceramic media, etc. This will help to rapidly establish the necessary biological activity in your filter to stabilize your pond’s environment quickly. It will also help restore this activity to your filter when you clean or change the media in your filter.

    Convenient, Easy-to-Use, Flip-Top Squeeze Bottle!

    For Maximum Shelf Life, Store In A Cool Place

    • Easily applies to the filter pads/media without running or getting messy
    • Contains the same spectrum of bacteria found in MICROBE-LIFT/PL
    • Contains naturally occurring biopolymers, helping organisms quickly attach to the media allowing for an 80% reduction in filter start-up time
    • Helps to stabilize pond environment quickly upon startup and to eliminate transient instability that can occur when filter media is cleaned or replaced
    • Allows for more frequent cleaning of filters without subsequent instability if a pond has a high solids loading where frequent cleaning is beneficial
    • Reduces the frequency of cleaning by accelerating the breakdown of organic solids that can lead to high maintenance requirements
    • Helps to establish denitrification in the filter which can lower nitrate levels in the pond

    Available Sizes

    • 32 oz. (GEL32) Treats up to 5,000 gals. for 5 treatments.
    RM199,00 Buy now


Frequently Asked Questions

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis interdum porttitor eros eget pellentesque. Pellentesque eleifend laoreet turpis vitae volutpat. Etiam iaculis magna magna, tristique pharetra diam elementum sed. Ut rhoncus sodales enim non auctor.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis interdum porttitor eros eget pellentesque. Pellentesque eleifend laoreet turpis vitae volutpat. Etiam iacu lis magna magna, tristique pharetra diam elementum sed. Ut rhoncus sodales enim non auctor.